Terms & Conditions

Terms of Business of Town Centre Securities PLC or any other associated company
These Terms of Business should also be read in conjunction with the Security and Privacy Policy below.
1.1 Accuracy
Town Centre Securities PLC (TCS) uses its best endeavours to ensure the accuracy of the information on our website. However, such information can vary form time to time. While we try to minimise delay in updating the website there is always scope for unforeseen time delays. Therefore Town Centre Securities cannot warrant that the information is accurate at all times. Accordingly, the information and features displayed must be used for general guidance only and should not be treated as an offer or warranty or as forming any part of a subsequent agreement between us. We do not give advice as to the suitability of any of the offers displayed. Town Centre Securities’ sales team and instructed agents should be contacted as they will be able to provide the detailed information about our developments and interior features that one would require to know prior to making an informed purchase.
1.2 Conditions of website use
The website is the property of Town Centre Securities. No part of it may be reproduced in any form or stored electronically or in any other medium without the permission of Town Centre Securities. For your personal (as opposed to any commercial) use you may store or print material from the Website.
© 2005 Town Centre Securities PLC.
1.3 Data Protection
Town Centre Securities PLC is registered under the Data Protection Act 1998 and will use all reasonable endeavours to protect your personal information from loss, unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure or other misuse.
The personal information you provide may be used by Town Centre Securities to provide you with information about products or services that may be of interest to you unless you indicate that you do not wish to receive such information.
Town Centre Securities will, at your request and subject to proof of identity, provide you with all personal information held about you under its control. At your request, such information may be corrected, added to or deleted to ensure that such personal information is accurate, up-to-date and complete.
Town Centre Securities has a Security and Privacy Policy which sets out the information which may be gathered from you and how Town Centre Securities will seek to protect that information.
1.4 Use of cookies and IP addresses
To enable us to monitor and improve the Website, we gather and record on our servers certain information about all users who visit the Website, including without limitation, details of the operating system, browser version, internet service provider, domain name and IP address of the user, the URL which a user has come from, the parts of our Website visited and the date and length of each visit (“collected information”).
We use certain cookies (small files containing information about you which are stored on your hard drive by our browser)
to monitor your use of the Website. We use the following cookies on our website:

Cookie Name Typical Content Expires Purpose
Google Analytics utma randomly generated number 2 years This cookie is used to identify unique visitors to our sites. The results are sent to our Google Analytics account so
that we may see how many unique visitors come to this site based over a period of time.
Google Analytics utmb randomly generated number 30 Minutes This cookie is used by Google Analytics to determine the visitor session times on our sites.
Each time you visit a new page on the site the cookie is set to expire within 30 minutes,
if it does not find an existing cookie, a new one is created.
Google Analytics utmc randomly generated number when user exits browser This cookie is used by Google Analytics in conjunction with _utmb to determine visitor sessions. Unlike _utmb this cookie does not have an expiry date,
it determines whether a new session should be created based on whether you have previously closed your browser,
re-opened it and come back to the site.
Google Analytics utmz randomly generated number, plus information on how the site was reached (for example, directly or via a link, organic search) 6 months This cookie is used by Google Analytics to determine the type of referral used by each visitor to arrive at our site.
The cookie determines if the user has come directly to the site or via a search engine, email or email campaign.
We use this data to understand how our users arrive at the website.

Most web browsers allow some control of most cookies through the use of browser settings. If you want to find out more information about cookies including how to control what cookies are put on your computer and how to delete them then visit http://www.allaboutcookies.org/
If you would like to opt out of being tracked by Google Analytics then visit http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout.
1.5 Third party sites
The Town Centre Securities website may provide links to or search results which point to a link to other websites which are not under the control of Town Centre Securities. You accept that Town Centre Securities cannot be held responsible for any material on a website which is not under its control.
1.6 Disclaimer
Town Centre Securities does not guarantee that access to the website will be continuous or error free. Town Centre Securities will seek to ensure reasonable continuity of service and early correction of errors of which it is notified. Error correction will ordinarily take place upon the periodic review and checking of the website functionality.
Town Centre Securities uses virus checking software to screen against damaging viruses but cannot be held responsible for the accidental transmission of a virus to any person. The only exception to this would be if damage were caused from which death or personal injury resulted from the negligence of Town Centre Securities or was damage caused by a defect within the meaning of the Consumer Protection Act 1987 Part I.

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Town Centre Securities PLC (TOWN.L) 140.89 +4.89 Last updated: 22/10/2024 at 12:01